Buy Tobacco Leaf Online | Whole Leaf Tobacco


  1. J

    When to derib?

    I have just a couple plants that I'm trying to salvage. Long story short I have not been able to hang the leaves to let them cure and they are coloring very unevenly and just today I notice a small amount of mold on some of the leaves. Anywho, when is it OK to derib the leaves? Will it hinder...
  2. M

    Crushing the stem for faster, better curing?

    Sort of a dumb question, but would smashing/crushing the main stem help with curing? I'm air curing these and will attempt a flue cure. I would think it might cause mold or make it really ugly, but I'm mainly making chew, cigs, and pipe stuff. My rolling technique ain't up for cigars yet...
  3. M

    Cure, then kiln? and other NOOB questions

    Sorry for the newbie questions, but I'm seeing some things that make me curious. 1) Do I cure the leaves, then kiln them, or do they go directly into the kiln--or does it matter? 2) Does the cure method matter before kilning them? Right now I am sun curing some and air curing others. I'd...
  4. M

    Late season curing suggestions?

    I got a rough start to my first attempt, and I'm guessing these will be done in late October or so. We usually get a first frost in mid-November. Not the best time to try to dry something. Seems like my main issues will be temp, humidity, and airflow. I'm not sure if doing it in an...