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  1. Blender86

    First Flake/Plug Venture

    I think next time I need to use a stronger press, raise the moisture content prior to pressing, and dry it out more before smoking. The flakes fell apart easier than I'd hoped for, however, the flavor and body is exactly what I was looking for! Nice stout English, just the right amount of...
  2. Blender86

    What Would Be Your Advice To A New Blender?

    I have in the mail: 1lb Flue cured VA red leaf 1lb Turkish/Oriental Izmir 1lb Maryland 609 1lb flue cured VA lemon 1lb Latakia 4oz Perique Considering this, and wanting to go with English blends, what are some dos and don'ts? I've been told that 25% Latakia is a good starting point, 5-10%...
  3. Blender86

    New Guy From CA Bay Area

    Hi, I came from PSF after receiving a message suggesting I check this place out. I love English blends and flakes, and I am here to learn about blending. Stephen Books gave me a 40 minute run-down of blending over the phone, and I've been reading PSF extensively for some time. I have a five...