Buy Tobacco Leaf Online | Whole Leaf Tobacco


  1. Roastbeast

    Greetings from Bohemia

    Hi all. Being a long time snus aficionado and having recently moved out of the city, I want to finally have a go at making my own from scratch. This place has been a priceless resource, thanks a lot to everybody who’s made it so. I’m planning a proper field for next year, but this year I...
  2. H

    Hello from Jamaica

    I am from Portland, Jamaica. I would like to grow a Dark Air Cured tobacco variety. My requirements are: thick, coarse, big, dark (darker the better) high nicotine/low sugar whole leaf. Please let me know the best seed variety to get...We have purchase one sucker leaves in the past...those...
  3. M

    Dark Kentucky

    Hello I am new to this but I can't find anything about Kentucky seeds, I mean about where to get them. I am learning a lot in one day from this forum (it's great, what a wealth of information). I understand now that Dark Kentucky is Kentucky tobacco dried over a fire. What I can't find is how...
  4. deluxestogie

    Impact of Tobacco Deregulation on Kentucky Farmers

    This interesting analysis of the impact of tobacco deregulation on Kentucky tobacco farmers was just published: Bob