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  1. B

    Signs that kilning is complete

    Hello everyone, I'm currently something like 5 weeks into kilning a bunch of burley and a little bit of Monte Calme Yellow. This is my first ever kilning. For the first couple weeks a didn't realize I had cracked the ceramic bowl in my crock pot and it was leaking. This caused the humidity to...
  2. nystuga

    Flue cured still smells of raisin?

    Hi everybody! This is my second year of growing tobacco. All good, I had 9 different strains going on this year. Made myself a kiln ( thanks to Bob and Amaxb for their advice) Running my third patch at the very moment, the first two game out as good as I would have ever thought! Nice golden...
  3. G

    All-in-One Chamber

    Hello! Recently I decided to start my own project which is computer-controlled chamber for purposes of finishing tobacco. My chamber will be capable of: Flue Curing Air Curing Kilning Storing/humidifying/drying... Features: Operating panel with LCD display - eg. ability to select...
  4. M

    Crushing the stem for faster, better curing?

    Sort of a dumb question, but would smashing/crushing the main stem help with curing? I'm air curing these and will attempt a flue cure. I would think it might cause mold or make it really ugly, but I'm mainly making chew, cigs, and pipe stuff. My rolling technique ain't up for cigars yet...
  5. M

    Cure, then kiln? and other NOOB questions

    Sorry for the newbie questions, but I'm seeing some things that make me curious. 1) Do I cure the leaves, then kiln them, or do they go directly into the kiln--or does it matter? 2) Does the cure method matter before kilning them? Right now I am sun curing some and air curing others. I'd...
  6. D


    I am now the proud owner if a second hand refrigerator kiln. Johnlee was kind enough to offer me his old one while he builds a new one. So yesterday I drove down to John's and picked it up. It was great to meet you, John, and thanks again for the kiln! John gave me a real nice mild cigar with...
  7. D

    When to store in vapor proof bags?

    Question: people say that after flue curing or kilning you should wait a month or more before smoking. During that time, should the tobacco be stored in cardboard boxes or hung in order for gases produced in the curing process to escape, or can you put them right into vapor proof bags right...
  8. deluxestogie

    deluxestogie's Trash Can Cozy Flue-cure Chamber

    PART I: A Poor Man's Flue Cure Problem Flue-curing tobacco takes primed leaf from ripe to fully cured and ready to smoke or pack in 5 days. (Flue-cured leaf is not really helpful in cigars, but is a highly regarded, major blend component in cigarettes, and a common minor or major blending...
  9. tempbond

    Hi everyone, new smoker, soon to be grower

    I've been smoking cigars regularly for about 2 years now and I want to try and grow my own tobacco and roll my own cigars. I know it won't be easy, but with a bit of help from you guys, sure it'll be fun ! I already have 2 seed varieties and 5 more on the way, gonna start seeding indoors...
  10. deluxestogie

    A Comparison of Comstock Spanish and Zimmer Spanish

    Although Comstock Spanish is classed as a cigar binder, and Zimmer Spanish a cigar filler, the distinction between the two was not clear to me prior to growing them side-by-side. My seed for these two varieties came from New Hope Seed. Both are nearly identical in appearance, and conform to the...