Buy Tobacco Leaf Online | Whole Leaf Tobacco


  1. iamjonjones

    How to Get Cigarettes Right?

    Hello, This is my first post on this forum and i have only just started looking into whole leaf tobacco so pardon my newbieness. I'll start off with my questions and i'll elaborate a little bit afterwards for those who don't like a long read. In short, i have a mix of i believe 50% Virginia...
  2. websu


    So I'm new to growing and I've grown 3 strains burley, golden Virginia and amber leaf unfortunately I was stupid and didn't label each plant I have roughly 21 plants and I don't know what I'm harvesting, my plan is to just chop it all down (rolling tobacco) will these 3 bled well together Also...
  3. Steve2md

    DIY Cigar pics

    Here are my first two cigars I ever rolled. I used Burly from BigBonner and a little Maryland and Bright Leaf just for kicks. I used the method from Chicken's video, and added a few differences. My adhesive is mostly just water. I add a tiny pinch of flour and a single drop of honey (the honey...