Buy Tobacco Leaf Online | Whole Leaf Tobacco


  1. Skafidr

    Opinions on variety for "one-variety" cigars?

    Hello! I'm shopping for the seeds I'd like to plant for next growing season and I need opinions. I'd like to have a crop in order to make cigars of a single variety. I'm wondering which variety would be suited for this. I suppose I have "functional" constraints: - I won't grow in shade. Not...
  2. highgrave

    Highgrave's 2024 Grow Blog

    Hi gang, I planted seeds today. I filled my starter trays with a mix of 4 parts sieved Miracle Grow seed starter mix (.03/.03/.03) and 1 part vermiculite. Sprinkled a few seeds with my fingers into the surface of each cell. Varieties are Krumovgrad, Xanthy, Little Yellow and Harrow Velvet...
  3. poplarshepherd

    Chase's 2024 Grow

    I have just placed a seed order from North West Tobacco Seeds: Little Dutch Little Cuba Habano 2000 Cuban Criollo 98 I do not have an official plan yet, but stay tuned. Right now I am on a waiting list to rent a plot at my local community garden, so hopefully I will have my first outdoor grow...
  4. G

    Golden burley seed question

    Hi Gray again. I stalk harvested two golden burley tobacco plants and when I was picking leaves off one of the plants I found two seed pods. Once I found the seed pods I put the seeds in a small ziploc baggie and put them in my drawer. So I have a question about seeds I found and their quality...
  5. Henrybowman47

    Free seeds

    I have just harvested a bunch of Connecticut broad leaf wrapper seeds and Havana 608 filler seeds if anyone is in the st Augustine fl area you are welcome to some for free or trade for other seeds.
  6. T

    Hi to All

    im Tom from Croatia.. i m here to buy seeds for tobacco... i didn't grow it ever in my life..but will learn about it..... hope u guys can help point me to right direction.. tnx ;)
  7. J

    First time grower need advice

    Hi all, first time posting. i live in Australia and our prices for a packet of 40’s cost around $46 aus ($36USD). Five months ago I decided to “try” grow my own tobacco with not much success. I have little to no knowledge in regards to growing tobacco besides watching a few YouTube videos...
  8. M

    Pellet or coated seeds--anybody got some?

    Anyone got pelletized or coated seeds they'd like to get rid of? I'd like to try a few and see how they do. I called a place in NC and they sold pelletized seeds but quoted about $35 for 10,000 seeds. Heck--I'd buy that and take a few hundred and split 'em several ways if anyone is...
  9. M

    Anyone have any pellet seeds? Any spare Turkish seeds?

    I'm new to the hobby and have a tough time getting decent germination rates, and it is really hard not to plant 20 seeds in the same place. I figure pellet seeds may help that. Anyone have a few spares? My Turkish attempts fizzled. I think these are Turkish anyway--Yellow Orinoco and Lizard...
  10. H

    Aphids in my Bud Bags - Problem?

    As my final harvests are coming to a close, I decided it was about time to start taking down a few of my bagged flower heads. They have all gone brown, but the stems are still partially green and the seed pods slightly moist. I'm preferring to do it this way so that I can remove the bags, dried...