Buy Tobacco Leaf Online | Whole Leaf Tobacco

soil nutrients

  1. W

    Tobacco seems to be very low in nicotine

    I've grown tobacco a few times, but everytime I seem to end up with a product that has very little, if any, nicotine. Smoking it in a cigarette gives no nicotine hit and the smoke itself is incredibly light (essentially feels like smoking air). This is from air-dried, unfermented tobacco, which...
  2. J

    coffee, not just for me, also for tobacco

    Using used coffee grounds in your garden/compost Had this posted at htgt, figured it be some good info for here too. As i am sure many of us are avid coffee drinkers. Many uses and its free, except time spent to collect it. » Throw it in your compost: Coffee grounds are 1.45% nitrogen...