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virginia gold

  1. J

    Productivity by variety

    In case it helps anyone else, here was the productivity by variety for our first year grow in zone 8a (cured, dried and de-stemmed at the end of the season). Thanks to SkyChaser for the seeds. TN 90 LC: 6.0 ounces / plant VA Gold and VA 116: 4.4 ounces / plant Black Sea Samsun: 1.3 ounces /...
  2. G

    How to wash virginia leaves to extract nicotine?

    Hello friends, somebody knows how to properly wash Virginia leaves to make it taste as neutral as possible (nicotine as low as possible)? To add molasses in the next step for hookah. How hot needs the water has to be? How many washing cycles for how many minutes? I noticed that the water...
  3. G

    Is this mold / dangerous? Spots on flue cured leaves.

    Hello friends. Can somebody confirm if these leaves are normal? The black dots (second/third picture) and also the brown "dust" (first picture). I won't use the leaf on the first picture (55751add-19cd-4045-b5da-27c3a269c617-png) because its too bad however I got that brown (dust) on many...