Hello there, in my search for information on how other people have been doing things i have found very little on video and i've had to use my imagination on a bunch of things. so i thought i'd record this attempt of mine so that maybe it will help someone.
The Recipe i used for this attempt:
Before boiling
-200 ml of carbonated flavoured water
-50 ml of honey
-2g of baking soda
- 1,5 table spoon of ground coffee
- 1 table spoon of nesquik
- 1 tea spoon of white vinegar
- 1 licorice candy
- a few mint leaves
After boiling
- 1 teaspoon of 30/70 Propylene Glycol/Vegetable Glycerin mix
Then for the blend i used:
65g of Virginia
45g of Burley
15g of Oriental
The Recipe i used for this attempt:
Before boiling
-200 ml of carbonated flavoured water
-50 ml of honey
-2g of baking soda
- 1,5 table spoon of ground coffee
- 1 table spoon of nesquik
- 1 tea spoon of white vinegar
- 1 licorice candy
- a few mint leaves
After boiling
- 1 teaspoon of 30/70 Propylene Glycol/Vegetable Glycerin mix
Then for the blend i used:
65g of Virginia
45g of Burley
15g of Oriental