and a look at my landscaped yard, that i use most of my fertilizer on.
but i do work for a major fertilizer company. so wouldnt you think that me.. a master gardener... and the way i do my yard during the summer. wouldnt require a lot of special attention,?
i'll start the tour off in my storage shed where i keep all my raw materials,
... this is what it looks like,,, massive bulk bags sitting next to each other,
in these bags i have '' pure'' bulldog potash......triple super phospahte,,,,ammonium nitrate,,,,
.. micro-nutrients.... i also have individual micronutrients, like [ sulfer,,,,boron....iron....sulfer....e.t.c. ]
my '' liquid fertilizer '' station.. each of those bottles have a different n-p-k-...and each bottle will mix to 4--10 gallaons depending on how strong you want the mix to be...thiers 93 of them bottles..
my organic mix consists of bat guano. pictured,,
....and a huge square bin of cow manure,,,
my friends pig pen
a couple of totes full of '' milorganite''
tripe super phosphate
couple of bags of '' rainbow'' tobaccoo fertilizer.. 6-6-18
but i do work for a major fertilizer company. so wouldnt you think that me.. a master gardener... and the way i do my yard during the summer. wouldnt require a lot of special attention,?
i'll start the tour off in my storage shed where i keep all my raw materials,
... this is what it looks like,,, massive bulk bags sitting next to each other,
in these bags i have '' pure'' bulldog potash......triple super phospahte,,,,ammonium nitrate,,,,
.. micro-nutrients.... i also have individual micronutrients, like [ sulfer,,,,boron....iron....sulfer....e.t.c. ]
my '' liquid fertilizer '' station.. each of those bottles have a different n-p-k-...and each bottle will mix to 4--10 gallaons depending on how strong you want the mix to be...thiers 93 of them bottles..
my organic mix consists of bat guano. pictured,,
....and a huge square bin of cow manure,,,
my friends pig pen
a couple of totes full of '' milorganite''
tripe super phosphate
couple of bags of '' rainbow'' tobaccoo fertilizer.. 6-6-18