I know the ideal temp and humidity for air drying but this year I was not prepared for the early fall and cool temps here... I did my final harvested a little late (mid September) allowing some of the plants to fade just to learn and see/smoke the differences . Loved the experience watching them fade but now I kinda regret not utilizing those few weeks to initiate the long term art of drying and curing..
I see no molds at all so I am counting my blessings.. This is not ideal I know but it has to suffice until the tops are almost dry (whole plants.) Then I ll be able to bring it indoors to finish the last days. Until then the temps are less then 60 during the day and nights are much cooler and frost will soon follow...
I am using my Harley shed for drying my crop this time and it is in the shade due to my love for my FXLR. Next year I ll be ready for the challenges and attempting some flue and smoke cures but all will be harvested on time too though ..
Anybody else have any experience with air drying at less then ideal temps? I have maybe a few weeks to go at max but I could always harvest the leafs while reducing the stems in order to speed up the last stage but I would rather not... This is really the art and craft of it all in my humble opinion.. Anyone can grow this plant but I dont think just anyone can turn its green leaves into something smoke worthy even with simple air drying..
I see no molds at all so I am counting my blessings.. This is not ideal I know but it has to suffice until the tops are almost dry (whole plants.) Then I ll be able to bring it indoors to finish the last days. Until then the temps are less then 60 during the day and nights are much cooler and frost will soon follow...
I am using my Harley shed for drying my crop this time and it is in the shade due to my love for my FXLR. Next year I ll be ready for the challenges and attempting some flue and smoke cures but all will be harvested on time too though ..
Anybody else have any experience with air drying at less then ideal temps? I have maybe a few weeks to go at max but I could always harvest the leafs while reducing the stems in order to speed up the last stage but I would rather not... This is really the art and craft of it all in my humble opinion.. Anyone can grow this plant but I dont think just anyone can turn its green leaves into something smoke worthy even with simple air drying..