Welcome to the forum. It's going to be a squeaker for you. Your average first frost is late November. Calculate 2 months for the seedlings to develop, prior to transplanting to the ground, then 60-90 days until harvest. You may be able to swing it.
Be sure to read the growers' FAQ. I usually suggest that you water seedlings from the bottom. If the cups are not perforated, you can just pour some water down the side of each cup to a level of about 1/2". If the cups are perforated at the bottom, then you can simply place them into a tray or dish, and add water to the dish. Once the seeds have germinated, you may not need to mist them at all, so long as the soil is moist.
Feel free to introduce yourself in the Introduce Yourself forum. What varieties are you growing? What ultimate use do you anticipate? How many plants do you project for your first grow? If you like, you can also start your own grow log in the Grow Blogs section. We'd love to follow your progress.