Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone.
This last year, I have bought Burley Whole Leaf tobacco from Germany for rolling cigarettes, instead of buying hand rolling tobacco from a tobacconist. Now that I’m sure that shredding and smoking whole leaf is not just a passing fad, I’ve decided that I would like to grow some.
I live on the east coast of Spain. We have long hot summers here and I only have a roof terrace to grow plants on. I’ve rolled my own cigarettes for the past 53 years and I can’t think of anything that would please me more than smoking tobacco that I’ve grown myself.
The soil here is dark red and very compact. Add water and sun and you get a brick. I have mixed this soil with drainage sand and compost for tomato plants in equal quantities.
I started the seeds in a seedling mixture and had good results with germination. I moved them on to small pots and then into the bags you see in the photos. I think I overwatered at first, but not sure.
As you can see, they are growing. The largest plants are about thirty inches tall with nine or ten leaves. The first leaves had a bit of a thrips problem from tomato plants that we also had on the terrace (I think), but after a soapy water wash and rinse things look okay, apart from the first two leaves.
Afternoon shade temperatures are about 33º-35ºC at the moment and more like 43º- 48ºC in direct sunlight so I have put up a shade net that cuts out about 50% of the direct sunlight. I still get a bit of wilting but the plants revive quickly in the evening when it’s a little cooler.
Airflow is almost non-existent on the terrace. I water in the evenings and once a week add the recommended strength liquid universal fertilizer.
My questions are:
Looking at the photos, do the plants look okay? By that I mean, should the leaf size be bigger or does that happen slowly as the plant grows, and when the plants are topped before they flower? Do the plants look a bit spindly? Is the leaf colour okay?
Should I take off the lower leaves if they look damaged by thrips and/or are very pale yellow?
Any tips, advice and suggestions more than welcome.
Last but not least. How do you keep a marriage together, when all you can think and talk about is tobacco? I can be a bit OCD, according to my wife.
This last year, I have bought Burley Whole Leaf tobacco from Germany for rolling cigarettes, instead of buying hand rolling tobacco from a tobacconist. Now that I’m sure that shredding and smoking whole leaf is not just a passing fad, I’ve decided that I would like to grow some.
I live on the east coast of Spain. We have long hot summers here and I only have a roof terrace to grow plants on. I’ve rolled my own cigarettes for the past 53 years and I can’t think of anything that would please me more than smoking tobacco that I’ve grown myself.
The soil here is dark red and very compact. Add water and sun and you get a brick. I have mixed this soil with drainage sand and compost for tomato plants in equal quantities.
I started the seeds in a seedling mixture and had good results with germination. I moved them on to small pots and then into the bags you see in the photos. I think I overwatered at first, but not sure.
As you can see, they are growing. The largest plants are about thirty inches tall with nine or ten leaves. The first leaves had a bit of a thrips problem from tomato plants that we also had on the terrace (I think), but after a soapy water wash and rinse things look okay, apart from the first two leaves.
Afternoon shade temperatures are about 33º-35ºC at the moment and more like 43º- 48ºC in direct sunlight so I have put up a shade net that cuts out about 50% of the direct sunlight. I still get a bit of wilting but the plants revive quickly in the evening when it’s a little cooler.
Airflow is almost non-existent on the terrace. I water in the evenings and once a week add the recommended strength liquid universal fertilizer.
My questions are:
Looking at the photos, do the plants look okay? By that I mean, should the leaf size be bigger or does that happen slowly as the plant grows, and when the plants are topped before they flower? Do the plants look a bit spindly? Is the leaf colour okay?
Should I take off the lower leaves if they look damaged by thrips and/or are very pale yellow?
Any tips, advice and suggestions more than welcome.
Last but not least. How do you keep a marriage together, when all you can think and talk about is tobacco? I can be a bit OCD, according to my wife.