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First lunar eclipse in this tetrad series

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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2013
Chilliwack BC, Canada (south western Canada)
There will be a lunar eclipse tonight April 14th/15th 2014. It is the first of 4 total lunar eclipses to happen back to back to each other over the next two years. The next eclipses in this series will be October 8th 2014, April 4th 2015, and September 28 2015.

Eclipse starts on the west coast at 9:55pm as it enter preumbra. not much will look like anything is happening at this point. 11:00 pm the moon starts to enter the umbra, here you will see the the eaths shadow touch the edge of the moon and slow enter until it cover the moon totally. totallity begins at 12:08 am (now in the 15th) and reaches center of shadow at 12:46 am and ends at 1:23 am. It might be better for you floks on the east coast to set your alarms for 3:00 am if you want to or it might make for a really long night.

I got work to do today and I'll geter' done ASAP so I can have a power nap and then get my camera ready. I've been waiting to try out my new telephoto.

Mad Oshea

Taking a break
Sep 30, 2013
Albuquerque New Mexico (USA)
I pulled out the MEADE, Digital electronic autolocator for the first one, for Us to watch. I fell asleep and then it was morning. My wife fell asleep just befor it started and woke up 45 min after it was over. That would have been a good one to watch with it. Had a 35 mill. film cam. ready for it w/1000 speed film and a cable shutter release. chilard- You took some good pics of ISON.
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