Hello to everyone on the Fair Trade Tobacco forum!
I just joined the forum for two main reasons:
1) I am interested in exploring growing tobacco in an "aquaponics" system, and
2) I am generally curious about the entire tobacco growing industry since my grandfather and his ancestors were tobacco farmers just outside of South Boston, Virginia, but I was too young to learn anything from him about the trade before he sold what was left of the family farm in his retirement years (and my childhood) roughly forty years ago.
Regarding my first reason, I have my own thread in the forum at Backyard Aquaponics (http://www.backyardaquaponics.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=12285), and while I've had some good success growing some types of produce, I have never tried growing tobacco yet.
If anyone is curious about what exactly "aquaponics" is, it's the combination of hydropnics and aquaculture (fish farming). The fish waste, with the help of nitrifying bacteria, becomes the plant food.
I've only been at this for a little over a year, but it's time to branch out, thus my joining this group.
Also, I am not not associated with Backyard Aquaponics, other than being a member of their free forum, but if anyone is intrigued then I'd recommend you check out their free ancillary site (or free downloadable manual) called "The IBC of Aquaponics" (http://ibcofaquaponics.com/) which covers how to build a system using an "IBC Tote", which is one of those typically 275-gallon "Intermediate Bulk Containers" used for shipping liquids. I have found their advice and the compiled examples from other users' systems invaluable.
I've build three of these systems in the Dallas, TX area; my own, one for my mother, and one for a local public school (you'll see that at my first link above), and now it is time to try tobacco in at least one of them.
Any and all advice is welcome!
Thank you very much,
I just joined the forum for two main reasons:
1) I am interested in exploring growing tobacco in an "aquaponics" system, and
2) I am generally curious about the entire tobacco growing industry since my grandfather and his ancestors were tobacco farmers just outside of South Boston, Virginia, but I was too young to learn anything from him about the trade before he sold what was left of the family farm in his retirement years (and my childhood) roughly forty years ago.
Regarding my first reason, I have my own thread in the forum at Backyard Aquaponics (http://www.backyardaquaponics.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=12285), and while I've had some good success growing some types of produce, I have never tried growing tobacco yet.
If anyone is curious about what exactly "aquaponics" is, it's the combination of hydropnics and aquaculture (fish farming). The fish waste, with the help of nitrifying bacteria, becomes the plant food.
I've only been at this for a little over a year, but it's time to branch out, thus my joining this group.
Also, I am not not associated with Backyard Aquaponics, other than being a member of their free forum, but if anyone is intrigued then I'd recommend you check out their free ancillary site (or free downloadable manual) called "The IBC of Aquaponics" (http://ibcofaquaponics.com/) which covers how to build a system using an "IBC Tote", which is one of those typically 275-gallon "Intermediate Bulk Containers" used for shipping liquids. I have found their advice and the compiled examples from other users' systems invaluable.
I've build three of these systems in the Dallas, TX area; my own, one for my mother, and one for a local public school (you'll see that at my first link above), and now it is time to try tobacco in at least one of them.
Any and all advice is welcome!
Thank you very much,