Well-Known Member
I am not sure where I saw it, but one of the forum members had a pic of a single cigar mold using PVC pipe and hose clamps. I thought that could be a good idea, so I figured why not take that idea and try and put cone shape ends on the pipe to make a makeshift perfecto mold, so I got some two part epoxy putty and shaped the ends as best I could and figured, what the heck, it's not costing much to see what this could do. Anyway, I didn't consider the ends when I measured the PVC so my perfecto is about two inches longer than I wanted. Since I have never rolled/bunched a perfecto it was guess work. Bunching it is tricky, and so was rolling the wrapper, especially when you don't know what you are doing. I also used the entubado method for the first time and will be interested to see how it smokes. I used Aleman, Criollo ligero, and Mata Fina for the filler, and Pa oscuro for the binder and wrapper (simply because I didn't have any other wrapper leaf). If this PVC method works out it will be a stop gap until I can get a proper perfecto mold. I only had half inch pipe, but I think three quarter inch would work better. I know it doesn't look exactly like a perfecto, but it is as close as I can get for now.