Your KEYE Eyewitness News Team Reporting Live! Bringing you all the news both inane and irritating!
"Our intrepid reporter, Steve, is out on the street for a first hand view - Take it away Steve"
"Yes, thank you Jim, I'm standing on the sidewalk, by myself, alone, looking like a peeping Tom with my binoculars. There were a few tense minutes earlier while a cloud bank slowly drifted across the expected area of the sky, but I can now report we have a clear view of the conjunction! There is a bright point of light, and right next to it,... is a slightly less bright point of light! Truly a great story to tell the grand kids"
All kidding aside, it is a neat and fairly rare astronomical event if you are a star nerd like me. However, we are on the edge of a warm front, and so the Seeing is lousy here - too bad to bother taking out the telescope or trying to catch a photo. One interesting observation however; last night the two formed a straight line running vertically, and tonight they are side by side.
Also, let's not forget that today is the
Winter Equinox! Let's all celebrate the longest night / shortest day of the year by running sky-clad through our tobacco plots.