Yesterday I delivered to a massive dairy for their corn crop..( which they chop up to make "silage").. Well I seen a spot where they had spread some silage out..and it was littered with 4" mushrooms (they weren't the psychedelic type..I checked).....
I picked enough to fill up a 5 gallon bucket....I'm thinking of taking a shovel and chopping them up real fine and add it to my cow manure mix...
I don't think they would have any disease or anything that may be harmful to the mix..
Anyone got any info. If this is good or could be harmful???
I picked enough to fill up a 5 gallon bucket....I'm thinking of taking a shovel and chopping them up real fine and add it to my cow manure mix...
I don't think they would have any disease or anything that may be harmful to the mix..
Anyone got any info. If this is good or could be harmful???