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Northern tobacco grower
May 10, 2012
Hey Folks, long time no talk. It's been a crazy busy year with almost nothing to show for it! (Except for the daughters!)

Farm is coming along, mortgage should be finishing up here in the next few days. Been running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to do repairs, renovations, clean up etc.

Raised one wall on the storage barn (chicken coop eventually) poured a new foundation, fixed the roof and am working on leveling the dirt floor and putting OSB up on the walls and windows in. I've been very fortunate in finding free windows, a life supply of OSB from work, structural lumber and what not was an expense but not much of one. Cleaned up where the chicken run is going, and removed some old cedar bushes via the quad and grapple.
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Had a wind storm lastnight that took another roofing panel off and tore the new door off the hinges but that'll be fixed this weekend.

Installed a new chimney for the wood burning furnace, installed a supportive wall for the wood storage room in the basement, attached some new railings etc as well for the insurance company.

Been also working on rebuilding the mount for the snow blade on the quad, my little 1986 Honda TR200SX has so much low end torque I've bent my previous mounts to the point they're nothing but scrap. Onto 3/8" Bolts and 1/4" sidewall round tubing for a pivot point to see how well she works. I've got the blade, electric actuator, and quad for cheap if not free so I really have no room to complain.

Garden didn't do too much this year, Sweet Potatos did well, Hot peppers were decent, Chamomile was fantastic but tobacco, tomatos, Swiss Chard, beans etc failed miserably.
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We (my wife and I) are also starting a small farm stand this summer with all sorts of items available, eggs, fresh ground grain, meal and mixes and of course crops from the farm. We've decided to go as "natural" as possible, for the livestock we will be feeding only fresh ground grain via a grain mill we're installing in one of the outbuildings. All of our live stock feed will be put through the mill, as well as food meant for human consumption. (All will be the same grade food wise).

We made a test run of FRESH corn bread and dear oh my it's delicious!

Finish up these few projects and hopefully enjoy the Holidays with the new family members (whom I should mentioned just turned 6 months Wednesday. Seriously....6 months already!)

Merry Christmas folks, I hope the best to you and yours!



Northern tobacco grower
May 10, 2012
Thanks JBD! And yes, I plan to! I think God was looking out for me this years as for sales, If I would have had a crazy productive year I don't know if I would've had time for it


Founding Member
May 22, 2011
You're living the dream dude, thanks for the good news.


Northern tobacco grower
May 10, 2012
Thanks for the kind words folks.

Got the door reframed and seated on the barn. I tell you what there is a certain nostalgia working on buildings that were around before the Wright Brothers were Airborne, before my mother's mother was even born etc. Taking out old nails that haven't seen the light of day in probably 100 years.

I will give my great great grandfather this: he was a wickedly strong man. Hammering in pole barn nails into oak is no easy task. Taking them out is not either. I opted to go with #10 hardwood screws with type 17 tips. This made it so I didn't need to use pilot holes, just keep a second battery on the charger for the Dewalt! I removed some more rotten siding boards (who someone in recent history, probably a previous renter of this house) nailed over top of the hings on the door, and covered up some siding. I'm not sure what there intent was, but it didn't do anything to help the building. After peeling those boards off I had full access to the door hinges, I pulled the old bolts out and tore the siding down to the building's skeleton. A couple hours, swear words and pinched fingers later I tracked down an old latch in the metal scrap pile, flattened it painted it and attached it to the door to make sure she stays shut. It did require a little bit of shimming in place, knotching and what not but she works just fine for a 115 year old barn.

Just need to finish up siding and boarding up the windows and we'll be set (ish) for some snow!
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