Drink more alcohol and coffee, and get fat, to live past 90?
My initial thoughts on this widely publicized study were that the news outlets were misinterpreting the findings of the study. That appears to be the case. Here is the original summary of the study results from The UC Irvine Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders:
My commentary:
My initial thoughts on this widely publicized study were that the news outlets were misinterpreting the findings of the study. That appears to be the case. Here is the original summary of the study results from The UC Irvine Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders:
- People who drank moderate amounts of alcohol or coffee lived longer than those who abstained.
[*]People who were overweight in their 70s lived longer than normal or underweight people did.
[*]Over 40% of people aged 90 and older suffer from dementia while almost 80% are disabled. Both are more common in women than men.
[*]About half of people with dementia over age 90 do not have sufficient neuropathology in their brain to explain their cognitive loss.
[*]People aged 90 and older with an APOE2 gene are less likely to have clinical Alzheimer’s dementia, but are much more likely to have Alzheimer’s neuropathology in their brains.
My commentary:
- Finding 1: Note the words “moderate” and “or”. Also, why did those who croaked sooner abstain? Did they have complicating health issues that led them (or their physicians) to decide it would be better for them to abstain from coffee and alcohol? This finding (point 1) may simply be a sampling of old people who have enjoyed prior good health, in which case, their greater longevity would be no surprise.
- Finding 2: This is not likely what it appears to be. From the 2014 article in Aging Cell: “Although a recent meta-analysis suggests that overweight individuals have significantly lower overall mortality than normal-weight individuals, these data are likely to be an artifact produced by serious methodological problems, especially confounding by smoking, reverse causation due to existing chronic disease, and nonspecific loss of lean mass and function in the frail elderly. From a clinical and public health point of view, maintaining a healthy weight through diet and physical activity should remain the cornerstone in the prevention of chronic diseases and the promotion of healthy aging.”
What that’s saying is that old people who are not healthy tend to lose weight, thereby skewing the data. - Finding 3: Making it to 90+ isn’t that much fun.
- Finding 4: We don’t clearly know why nearly half of the demented people over 90 are demented (Alzheimer’s Disease accounts for only about half of the dementia in this group).
- Finding 5: This is just a genetic curiosity. People with this genetic trait are not as conspicuously demented as their trashed brains might suggest.