Study confirms that milk's packaging influences its flavor
In the US, at least, the typical square gallon and half-gallon plastic milk jugs are usually HDPE (high-density polyethylene). The effects were far more problematic for skim milk, vs whole milk. This assumes that the milk is stored at the proper temperature (~38°F) and not exposed to light. Of course, once you open the container, all bets are off.
Moral: avoid milk in paper cartons or poly bags.
"...[pasteurized] milks packaged in HDPE, PET, or glass
in the absence of light exposure have no discernable sensory
differences by day 10 post-processing. In contrast,
milks filled into paperboard cartons were differentiated
by consumers compared to milks filled into glass."
Study confirms that milk's packaging influences its flavor
The dairy industry strives to preserve the quality and safety of milk products while maintaining the freshest possible taste for consumers. To date, the industry has largely focused on packaging milk in light-blocking containers to preserve freshness, but little has been understood about how the...
In the US, at least, the typical square gallon and half-gallon plastic milk jugs are usually HDPE (high-density polyethylene). The effects were far more problematic for skim milk, vs whole milk. This assumes that the milk is stored at the proper temperature (~38°F) and not exposed to light. Of course, once you open the container, all bets are off.
Moral: avoid milk in paper cartons or poly bags.