Thank you my friend. The blends have been awesome and the draws are great. I have had to do some touch ups here and there but over all nice even burns.
This is all a huge learning curve and my challenges as a total newb Have been in every aspect of the roll. There is not a single thing that I ever felt like “oh” that’s not to bad . I have screwed everything up multiple times but failure is a great teacher if you let it be. Blessings
Sounds like you’re on the right path then! Roll one, smoke one, tweak, then do it all over again. I’ve found that using not super thin or thick leaf to get your jive and methods down help quite a bit too. Then with the thicker & thinner leaf you case accordingly. I’m going on year 4 or 5 now (lost track) and am still learning each and every stick I roll up. Keep it up though! Once it starts feeling like too much, take a break for the day or a week and come back to it. Just like working out, repetition, repetition, repetition! If your barber pole looks like that already, it’s only going to get better and easier. Post up pics and feedback is always a great learning too as well.