New Member
I've grown tobacco a few times, but everytime I seem to end up with a product that has very little, if any, nicotine. Smoking it in a cigarette gives no nicotine hit and the smoke itself is incredibly light (essentially feels like smoking air). This is from air-dried, unfermented tobacco, which should have reasonably high nicotine levels. I have grown multiple varieties, including rustica, and the results seem to be the same. I have even tried picking some fresh leaves off rustica plants and chewing them; there was a slight peppery sensation on the tongue (like you get with chewing tobacco or snus), but it was very weak and again, no nicotine hit. I'm stumped and have no idea what I'm doing wrong. I plan to grow some tobacco this year, and would like to know what I can do to end up with a product with high levels of nicotine. Any ideas?