Maybe my math isn't correct, as I weigh this out on an old scale - I do 8 to 9 parts burley, 5 parts Virginia and 2 parts Red Virginia. Funnily enough, I actually cut it down from what it originally was. I kind of use the Red Virginia as a 'spice', just to give a bit of a throat hit - when I originally found the Red Virginia, I actually used more of it (and posted my original blend somewhere on this forum). It tore my throat to pieces, actually. If I had to use just ONE tobacco, without any blending at all, I suppose it would be Burley - I find this to be almost the same in taste as a More cigarette. I can't abide regular Virginia on its own, as I think it is something akin to sucking air through a straw. I had read somewhere that American cigarettes were something like 70% burley, 20% Virginia and 10% oriental - this may not be exactly what I found, but somewhat similar. Of course, my initial plan with leaf tobacco was finding a smoke similar to my beloved Marlboro box that I was smoking for decades. Now I like my blend far better....