im in the mass fertilize delivery business, and right now the farm indistury is gearing up for the upcoming season,
i see old bacca drying barns, in many designs from '' ax cut logs'' to old wood e.t.c.
old tractors. '' very old// old equipment, '' massive farms''
we all grow, and have a common bond with those that do it on a larger scale, and perhaps in your area, you may run across items that may go good in the thread, anything cool thats got to do with farming, or anything old,
i been carrying my camera for the past 3 days, just aint took no pics yet,
ya'll intrested in a nice pictorial thread, of '' things;; from our area,
i'll get some input and delete this thread, and start the new one,
i see old bacca drying barns, in many designs from '' ax cut logs'' to old wood e.t.c.
old tractors. '' very old// old equipment, '' massive farms''
we all grow, and have a common bond with those that do it on a larger scale, and perhaps in your area, you may run across items that may go good in the thread, anything cool thats got to do with farming, or anything old,
i been carrying my camera for the past 3 days, just aint took no pics yet,
ya'll intrested in a nice pictorial thread, of '' things;; from our area,
i'll get some input and delete this thread, and start the new one,