As for healthy meat deer can not be beat , But you have to have a taste for it .Preparing is the key .
Calves will be more tender if they had plenty of milk from their mother when they were young . I killed one , one time at 900 + LBS and straight of his mother , plus grass and creep feeder fed , free range.
That was the best beef I ever had killed . It was tender as I had ever had , veal meat .
Angus Beef associations claims marbling in rib eyes is a sign of tenderness and flavor , but I believe it just more fat put on a calf quickly by high powered feed .
If the meat is dark red and no marbling it will be tough eating . But any animal like old bulls , old pound cows and un cut steers are made mostly into hamburger .
With cattle prices today it will cost you to buy a 200 pound calf and raise it . 200 Lb calf could easily bring $600 , some breeds may be less and quality of the calf will effect the price .
A good 700 LB steer top quality is around $2 a pound according to quality of the calf .
A good Heifer calf 700 lb Around $1.90
A 1200 pound cow will cost about $0.95 a pound
A 2000 pound bull , around $1.10 a pound
These prices are according to quality .
A beef raised up to lets say 1000 pounds may net ( 60% ) 600 pounds of meat and in that they may be 165 pounds of fat and bone .
Also remember that any meat has a freezer life . Beef is around one year , hog is ( I believe ) 6 months , unless salt cured .
Lamb is a good option also .