Here is a photo of our greenhouse. The frame is from one of those portable canvas "garages" that the wind likes to destroy in a year. We got it for free. We bolted it down on a foundation made of pressure treated 4x6, which cost nearly $100 and was the most expensive part. We bolted a few 2x4's to the metal frame to stiffen it up and to attach the metal to on the side and ends. The metal was salvaged from an old carport that was torn down and was free, and is insulated with sheets of foam on the inside. We put a 6' sliding glass door in each end that was salvaged from an old house that was torn down near by. One has a broken seal and fogs some between the glass, but who cares because they were free too. The plastic is 5 year rated greenhouse plastic from Johnny's seeds which cost us about $55. It's 3 years old now and shows no signs of deterioration as of yet. The pitch is steep enough that it sheds snow like a duck sheds water. We put 2 inches of gravel on the floor inside, and built 4 full length watering benches that are sized to hold 10/20 trays. There is still room for a couple more if we need them. We started over 3000 plants in it last year. We could probably start 5000 plants in it if we wanted too. It's heated by a 1500 watt electric heater, which does the job from mid March through October. This year we kept it going until the first of December. Total cost for everything we bought was just under $300.