You learned a lot with all your runs and I believe you deserve a special "Thank-You" for the effort, the knowledge you added to the flue curing process and with some good results. I nominated your post for Special Consideration and others might jump in too.
Well, it's done! It came out pretty good this time! A whole lot less trash, I'm going to hang it out overnight and then sort it. Excuse the shop lights, they're terrible for taking pictures, but you'll get the idea of it.
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I'm going to give it a break for a bit, then start planing for next year.
Seems to me that I've read other places where people have described the odor as 'cucumber'. What is it about the 'smell' that is important? I guess I missed that part. Anyway, the leaf looks pretty good and hope you can give us an update later on how it smoked. I suppose you're going to blend it with.....what?
That leaf has an excellent color to it, in my opinion.
I think we will get to the point were each of us does what we do best and pass it on to the rest.
If you've already had the refrigerator up to 150, without anything melting, you might try an empty run to see if it can reach 165ºF by bypassing the thermostat. If nothing melts, then you could always purchase a high-temp water heater thermostat for using while flue curing. Maybe mount both, with a switch to go between them, for both the low and the high.Leverhead and deluxestogie, do you think my crockpot ref. kiln would flue cure? The water heater thermostat goes from 90-150 degrees. Before the thermostat was installed it hit 150 deg. in a couple hours on high.
We discuss any variety of tobacco, as well as numerous approaches to growing, harvesting, curing, and finishing your crop. Our members will attempt to provide experience-based answers to your questions.