I use either/both Izmir Ozbas and Prilep P66-9/7 in cigarettes. You can't go wrong with either one.
Click the "Observations" link on each page to compare leaf size, plant size, nicotine, etc. between the Virginia Bright Leaf and the NC 95.
(Not all info available for all varieties)
If you don't feel up to building a flue cure chamber, I have been quite satisfied with sun curing my flue cure varieties. The sweetness falls between flue cured and air cured.
You won't notice the incense flavor if you blend it with other varieties. You will notice it if you smoke it as a puro. Basically, Turkish is a spice tobacco. If you blend it right, you won't want any casings but it will taste like a professionally blended cigarette.I see. Incense flavor is not what I want in a cigarette. I don't really have to grow any Oriental, a pound from WLT will last me a long time. Maybe I'll grow a little Izmur or Prilep. Mostly, I want to grow flue cured Virginia, a little YTB to try, a bit of TN90 and maybe a few Conn Broadleaf plants for cigar wrapper. 75% of my 2015 grow will be VA flue, and hope to have space for 50-60 total plants
Anybody know the difference between VA Brightleaf and NC-95? (not sure that is the right number) or other typical VA cigarette tobacco? I noticed that in 2014 Bob managed to produce VA Red at high temp and more lighter leaves too. I think he did it with the VA Brightleaf type.
I'll have to figure out some way to cure FC. Never done that--very different from my experience on Connecticut farms. But there is a lot of info on this forum.
Commercial growers use a spacing of 2' between plants, 3' between rows. I think for home growers a little more space between rows is nice. I use 8' rows and do a lot of the work and spraying from my four wheeler. But, I have plenty of space.
You won't notice the incense flavor if you blend it with other varieties. You will notice it if you smoke it as a puro. Basically, Turkish is a spice tobacco. If you blend it right, you won't want any casings but it will taste like a professionally blended cigarette.
Commercial growers use a spacing of 2' between plants, 3' between rows. I think for home growers a little more space between rows is nice. I use 8' rows and do a lot of the work and spraying from my four wheeler. But, I have plenty of space.
Yes, I have Bursa from 2013 which was grown with larger spacing. If you want I could send you samples of other Turkish types. PM me.Thanks Don for explaining that. I find myself using less and less oriental in my blend and bigger proportions of VA flue. SO practically speaking, in terms of growing the types that I use the most, which is what I'm doing this year, I'll probably skip growing oriental and focus on the VA. I want a little CT Broadleaf, and YTB too. And maybe I have room for a few FL Sumatra or cigar filler plants, USA type.
Bursa looks like a cool plant to grow. Maybe next year. 2015 is going to be all about VA flue for me. The way Bursa grows narrow and straight, maybe it could be a potted plant for the winter? I might just skip everything else and do VA flue only, but I'm thinking to put the ytb and cigar plants on the outside edges.
Do you have a little bit of Bursa I could try for blending? Only need a few leaves. I have lots of MD609 to trade off.
We discuss any variety of tobacco, as well as numerous approaches to growing, harvesting, curing, and finishing your crop. Our members will attempt to provide experience-based answers to your questions.