I like your plan there Maks. I should sit down and get my one sorted out soon. I see that your spacings between the Prilep 66-9/7 is 250mm. will you be using that spacing for all orientals this year.
The layout looks good. I have found over a number of years that with staggered rows, I can reach in past the outside row to easily reach the second row. Because of this, if I arrange staggered rows 4 deep, instead of 2 deep, I can access the two inner rows from either side, allowing a wider foot path between sets of 4 rows.
25 cm spacing looks good. When I convert traditional row system spacings into staggered row system by using hexagonal grid system I found a similar value.
I tried to calculated the spacings for staggered row system for Prilep, according to given traditional spacing (45x15 cm) in the paper of Dimitrieski and Miceska.
Last year I have three rows between foot path and I didn't feel comfortable. This year I will try two rows. I know I'm loosing some space or tobacco this way. I can change next year again.
Thanks to all for support and comments.
I'm growing five varieties next year. That's all. I swear this in the name of the Slovenian space program. (BTW What is the name of the Slovenian space program?)
Yes, that was the one. Thank you.
Funny how we are connected. It's a small world. Did you noticed that two weeks ago I was less than 500 miles away from you?
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