Japan was amazing, what a wonderful country. Found no tobacco, since it was mid winter and below zero at most places I went. Interesting to see what they smoke though, and I've been to a few cigar shops. After three weeks of enduring my first cold Christmas since 2010 I felt I had the right to walk around in shorts in my yard.
I'll include a few more photos in this post. I've started to cure some of the leafs of my current plants to make sure that I can still send a batch of cured leafs to Leftynick. They will all be air cured, as there is no sun here these days. Rain rain and more rain. I'm quite happy with how the two Rustica strains are colour curing. I've plucked two series now, and there's a picture to see how well the first series has turned yellow. The other picture of curing leafs are the Sumatra leafs.
You will then meet the dead Xanthi I dug up.
Followed by the three specimen selected for the first interspecies crossing experiment. Read more about the challenge
here. It's two Mapacho's and the Sumatra. Two Rustica's, one Tabacum. I've placed them close the wall so they have some shelter from the rain. I need the tabacum flowers to be dry so I can collect pollen. Easier said than done with this weather. What's also easier said than done is the crossing. Tabacum flowers are easy to work with. Rustica flowers are not at all. They're small, thus very difficult. I've made a few attempts, but I don't feel they were the best attempts. I will continue to do a few a day. I might get a few seeds in the end, or none at all.
Of course, insects. No idea what the previous one was Wes.