PH not a problem I think. It is most likely nutrient. When you are holding plants for replacement and not wanting them to grow out of their container... you can "bonzai" them sorta by withholding nutrients and they will remain a managable small size. Then when transplanting them as a replacement they will take off like crazy once nitrogen is applied and are no worse for wear and tear.
A good example ismy present grow which were planted from small cups after their brothers from same planting were already in the kiln.
That Ph should be fine. Your soil looks like a wood chip heavy mix. Too coarse. Probably nutrient deficient. If there are no drain holes then too much water is a possibility too. I would recommend moving them to a finer soil with good drainage. A peat / loamy soil mix works better.
You might try a tablespoon of epsom salt to a gallon of water and see if they green up in a few days. Even if it's not a magnesium deficiency it shouldn't hurt anything.
As a whole I think burleys are the worst for showing yellow leaves. I am growing 4 varieties and all have a good bit of yellow lower leaves. Usually a treat of nitrogen gets them back right tho.
The roots may have outgrown the container and caused spiral root. Put them in a larger container with seed starter mix instead of potting soil. The new dirt will probably come with it's own nutrients. Container depth is more important than width so the tap root can grow straight down.
I have to ask. How long should it take for Epsom to take effect. I can't recall how long it has been (at least a week), but I applied a Tbls to each SOLO cup and I'm still at 7 pH.
Epsom salts I do not think effects the PH.. The salts are for magnesium deficiency which commonly causes yellowing in tobacco plants. Chlorisis is correct term I think. Salts usually do their work in as little as 2 days.
If I read rite the Tbls is tablespoon???? You could go from deficieny to toxicity without seeing a change in symptoms using that rate
Yes Tablespoon, as per instructions.
The Epsoms that I'm using is their Acidfier.
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