I just don't understand why so few grow their own, or acquire whole leaf.
Because on both accounts China we just dont know.
A year ago I was on one of my rants re tobacco prices down here with the owner of a PC I had fixed. He suggested I grow my own as he had before giving up.
I laughed that off as there was no way I thought that possible. I knew no one that grew tobacco and I had no idea what the plants even looked like. (Hence last year I was jumping up and down with the success of my 9ft trees).
Following day he bought around some home grown he had 'come by' for me to try and that set the ball rolling. My cigarettes had just once again increased in price and I was beginning to realise I could not justify my habit.
1 cigarette was equal to a loaf of bread
I purchased seeds from online in New Zealand, planted them and then spent hours online sourcing info and help. I found this forum in my searching and on this forum were all my answers, especially the grow logs, these along with all the photos posted helped big time. Hence why I have thanked you guys on multiply occasions
I am also extremely grateful to one kiwi who has helped me heaps and continues to do so through messaging. He keeps heading me down the correct path
As far as purchasing whole leaves internationally is concerned, again I had no idea this could be done from within NZ. This knowledge I acquired from, yep you guessed it, reading threads on this forum
So China, ignorance is bliss except in my case ignorance was expensive
In NZ and other countries the taxes seems to be more than just money and a market way of forcing out an 'immoral' activity.
Very correct fimbrew, our Govts in the last 5 years or so have openly stated that tobacco would continue to increase in a bid to force smokers to quit. In their favour though I must admit they have increased quit lines, increased coaches who will visit and help you quit. Also increased availability of free aids as with patches, gum etc. So at least they are not just leaving us high and dry.