Being that this was a float tray problem and not genetically modified this trait wont carry over right? Seeds from that plant properly attended will grow to normal size and shape? If so it would make sense to make a plant bolt early, use it for seed, then top the normal sized plants for a wider heavier harvest, and let none of the main crop seed out. Would you agree?
As pointed out to me by Deluxestogie and Skychaser, you want to bag the plant that holds truest to type. Stunting the plants will not allow you to identify true to type for the particular variety. As Sky pointed out, if you'er not familiar with the variety, you may need to look at several plants to know what true to type is. That is why he grows at least 20 plants per variety. True to type is pretty apparent with that many plants. Then you pick the best one with other traits you may like to bag.(fewer suckers, biggest leaves, healthiest, first to flower, etc.)