Re: Leverhead's 2013 T Patches
Those Southern Beauty's are already beautiful.
Those Southern Beauty's are already beautiful.
Those Southern Beauty's are already beautiful.
Those Southern Beauty's are already beautiful.
Those must be the ones his Granddaughter did. Great pictures in his album.
I've been working on my callouses. Beautiful day, about 84 F and a nice breeze.
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Now I've got to wait for the Southern Beauty to catch up.
View attachment 4036
T Patches 1 and 2 have combined. T Patch 3 becomes T Patch 2, just a small raised bed at the house. Here's T Patch 1 Rev B.
View attachment 3825
The first 19 rows are for Turkish/Orientals planted on traditional spacing, about 950 plants. Row 1 A and B are for Shirazi planted the same as the Southern Beauty. Rows 2 through 9 are for the Southern Beauty to feed the flue-cure fridge.
I got tired of chasing down leaking bottom trays and it was time for everything to go outside anyway, so I made a big bottom tray.
View attachment 3828
that soil sure looks good,
This is same almost method I will be using for my grow bags. A 2x4 frame and plastic to make trough and a float valve. No wicking system like yours but will function almost the same.
Is nice system you have there for sure
Question : Of all the flue cure varieties in the seed bank, why did you choose Southern Beauty?
Eat some!
Do you want the short story? This time last year I didn't know Dick, still don't. From the information I could find (in a hurry), it had a very good yield and I had a limited space. This year, it's the only one I have experience with. I have enough variables left to solve for, I don't want any new ones (flue-curing). If that part of my grow goes well this year, next year I'll mess with some new (to me) varieties. I have some information about flue-curing Gold Dollar from just before and during WWII, it might be interesting to see if my experience connects with that. The reason I didn't send Southern Beauty to the seed bank was, that I thought it suckered real bad. Bad enough so that I wouldn't wish it on anybody. This year I had a new seed source for it and will give that a try. It may not make any difference, but I know enough now to keep records for suckers and will collect seed from the one(s) that sucker the least before flowering/topping. I want to do my best not to put a monster in the seed bank, but it does smoke pretty good.
I can't, I gave it to my neighbor.
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